Calling variants

    Varlociraptor allows to call small and structural variant events in different scenarios. Note that varlociraptor requires to provide a set of candidate variants to consider. By this, our model becomes independent of denovo variant detection mechanisms and can be combined with any caller (e.g. GATK, Freebayes, Delly, ...). In particular, you can also first combine candidates from different callers, to cover diverse variant types and length ranges. Let candidates.bcf be the set of candidate variant calls (VCF or BCF format, see bcftools). Let reference.fa be the reference genome FASTA file (indexed with samtools).

    Preprocessing per-sample observations

    First, varlociraptor requires to preprocess the candidate variants in order to obtain per-sample observations for the actual calling process. Let sample.bam be the aligned reads of the sample to preprocess, and let sample.alignment-properties.json be the corresponding alignment property file obtained by running varlociraptor estimate alignment-properties, see Estimating properties. While varlociraptor does not require a particular read aligner, it assumes that provided mapping qualities (MAPQ) are as accurate as possible, and that too large indels are encoded as softclips (i.e. it expects BAMs in bwa mem style). Preprocessing can be started with

    varlociraptor preprocess variants reference.fa --alignment-properties sample.alignment-properties.json --bam sample.bam < candidates.bcf > sample.observations.bcf

    In other words, the candidate variants are piped into varlociraptor (with the < shell operator) and observations are piped into sample.observations.bcf (with the > shell operator).

    Note that the candidate variants (here candidates.bcf) have to be the same for each sample. This can be achieved by either jointly calling across all samples (as possible with most variant callers), or by merging candidates from all involved samples into a single VCF/BCF file.

    From the candidate variant file, only CHROM, POS, REF, ALT, EVENT, MATEID, END, and SVLEN (if present) are used. Other fields are ignored. The EVENT and MATEID fields thereby groups variants into a common haplotype. For breakends this happens as defined in the VCF specification. For other types of variants the same semantic is used: all variants that have the same value in their EVENT tag are considered to be in the same haplotype and the model will calculate the read support for the entire haplotype. In case of MATEID, variants are considered to be of the same haplotype if the set of ID and MATEID is the same. This is usually true for a pair of records, which reciprocally refer to each others IDs via the MATEID field.

    Variant types that are not (yet) supported by Varlociraptor will be dropped (with notification on STDERR).


    Instead of offering internal parallelization, varlociraptor preprocess variants should be parallelized via a scatter-gather. That means that you first split the candidates.bcf into chunks of equal size. This can best be done via Rust-Bio-Tools (rbt), which offers a subcommand for splitting VCF/BCF files while properly handling events that span multiple records (breakend events with SVTYPE=BND). For example, with

    rbt vcf-split candidates.bcf chunk{0..15}.bcf

    the candidates.bcf is split into 16 chunks of approximately equal size. After applying varlociraptor preprocess variants and also the calling steps described below (and, depending on the research question, a variant annotation tool like VEP), the processed chunks can be merged again.

    If the input candidates did contain breakend variants (SVTYPE=BND, which only happens when generated by structural variant callers), they have to be sorted first e.g., via bcftools sort. Merging can happen via bcftools concat.

    Homopolymer mode

    To support accurate calling of reads with high rates of homopolymer sequencing errors such as Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) reads, --pairhmm-mode homopolymer should be used. This mode considers homopolymer errors to be different from gaps.

    Fast mode

    Preprocessing is the most time-intensive part for variant calling with varlociraptor. However, it only has to be done once for each sample, and can be re-used for different variant calling steps. In case the exact allele frequency is less important for you (e.g. with large cohorts), you can add the argument --pairhmm-mode fast. This will approximate the pair HMM computation of Varlociraptor by just considering the optimal alignment path, thereby changing the computation of the allele likelihoods from quadratic to linear. In rare cases this can lead to wrong probabilities for single reads though, such that allele frequencies can become slightly incorrect.


    The basic calling command is

    varlociraptor call variants ...

    The dots (...) refer to the selected calling mode, which can be one of the following:

    1. Tumor-normal variant calling: this assumes that a tumor and a corresponding healthy sample is given.
    2. Generic variant calling: via a variant calling grammar, arbitrary calling scenarios can be defined.

    Note on amplicon sequencing data

    With amplicon sequencing data, variants are usually covered only by a few (down to a single) amplicon, from which many duplicates are sequenced. It is important to deactivate read position bias handling via

    varlociraptor call variants --omit-read-position-bias ...

    in the Varlociraptor model in such cases, because it will otherwise detect a read position bias for those variants covered only by a single amplicon. Even for few amplicons the model would otherwise overestimate the degrees of freedom, thereby leading to artificially weak probabilities.

    Note on calling known variants

    With known variants as input, it is advisable to disable the alternative locus bias detection of Varlociraptor. This bias detection tries to find systematic association of alt alleles with alternative loci reported by the mapper or low MAPQs. While this is usually a good idea to avoid artifacts in de-novo calling, it is overly conservative when there is some prior orthogonal knowledge that given variants are true. Alternative locus bias detection can be deactivated with

    varlociraptor call variants --omit-alt-locus-bias ...

    Tumor-normal variant calling

    Let tumor.bcf and normal.bcf be the preprocessed observations (see above) of the tumor and healthy/normal sample, respectively. Then, variants of all lengths can be called with

    varlociraptor call variants tumor-normal --purity 0.75 --tumor tumor.bcf --normal normal.bcf > calls.bcf

    with 0.75 being the purity (i.e. the cancer cell content) of the tumor sample. The result is a proper stastistical assessment of the somatic and germline variants, without the need to apply any ad-hoc filtering. Instead, it should be followed by controlling the false discovery rate over the desired events, see Filtering. The generated output format (both before and after any filtering), including all provided information, is described here.

    Generic variant calling

    The generic mode allows to define a calling scenario via a variant calling grammar. The grammar allows to define the desired scenario in a YAML file. For example, the following defines a normal/tumor/relapse model with a uniform prior (i.e., joint calling of tumor and relapse after therapy against normal):

        resolution: 0.1
        universe: "0.0 | 0.5 | 1.0 | ]0.0,0.5["
        resolution: 0.01
        universe: "[0.0,1.0]"
          by: normal
          fraction: 0.25
        resolution: 0.01
        universe: "[0.0,1.0]"
          by: normal
          fraction: 0.53
        "normal:0.5 | normal:1.0"
        "normal:0.0 & tumor:0.0 & relapse:]0.0,1.0]"
        "normal:0.0 & tumor:]0.0,1.0] & l2fc(relapse, tumor) < 1.0"
        "normal:0.0 & tumor:]0.0,1.0] & l2fc(relapse, tumor) >= 1.0"

    In the following, we briefly describe each element for the grammar.

    • samples: this section contains the definition of the involved samples. Each sample is listed by its name (e.g. normal) which is referred to later in the events section.
    • resolution: the accuracy in which the allele frequency within continuous intervals is estimated. Intervals are evaluated via numerical integration. The grid points for that are determined via a binary search for the highest probability. This binary search stops when its left and right boundary is at least as close as the given resolution. For samples in which the exact allele frequency is not so relevant (e.g. above in the normal sample in case of mosaicism), one can choose higher values like 0.1. For a tumor sample, the usual choice is 0.01 (i.e. allele frequency estimates will be at most 1% away from the optimum). The default resolution if nothing is specified is 0.01.
    • universe: valid allele frequencies in the given sample. The operator | denotes a logical "or". For example 0.0 | 0.5 | 1.0 | ]0.0,0.5[ means that an allele frequency of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 or any frequency in the interval ]0.0,0.5[ (with exlcusive bounds) is possible for the particular sample. Defining a universe means that a uniform prior is used. Alternatively, when the mutation rates are known, it is possible to configure Varlociraptors joint prior distribution that allows to model population genetics, mendelian inheritance and tumor evolution. See the next section for details.
    • contamination: denotes the contamination of the sample with another sample (for example 1 - purity in a tumor sample that is "contaminated" with normal cells), given by its name after the by key, and the fraction of contamination after the fraction key.
    • events: this section contains the definition of events that shall be evaluated. Each event is a boolean logic formula over operands that define allele frequencies or allele frequency intervals in particular samples. These operands have the form samplename:spec, where spec is the specification of an allele frequency (e.g. 0.5) or an allele frequency interval (inclusive: [a,b], left-exclusive: ]a,b], right-exclusive: [a,b[, exclusive: ]a,b[). An event formula may refer to another event by specifying it by its name preceded with a $ character, e.g., $myevent refers to the event myevent. See here for an example application of the latter.
    • In addition to using allele frequencies it is possible to define constraints over allele frequency log2 fold changes (see event somatic_tumor). Further, simple comparisons of allele frequencies like relapse > tumor are allowed.
    • One can express that an event is impossible by specifying false in the corresponding formula. false may not occur within a negated subformula.
    • expressions: analogous to events, expressions allow to define formulas, each with a given name. However, expressions are by default ignored, and have to be explicitly used from within events formulae. For example, let myexpr be the name of an expression, then it can be used in any formula by specifying $myexpr.

    For each variant, Varlociraptor will calculate the probability of each defined event to be true. Let scenario.yaml be the defined calling scenario (e.g., as above). Let relapse.bcf, tumor.bcf, and normal.bcf be the preprocessed observations of relapse, tumor and healthy/normal sample, respectively, as defined above. Then, the calling command would be

    varlociraptor call variants generic --scenario scenario.yaml --obs relapse=relapse.sorted.bcf tumor=tumor.bcf normal=normal.bcf > calls.bcf

    Note that now, observation files are given with a leading name, which has to correspond to the name defined in the scenario YAML. The result is a proper stastistical assessment of the desired scenario, without the need to apply any ad-hoc filtering. Instead, it should be followed by controlling the false discovery rate over the desired events, see Filtering. The generated output format (both before and after any filtering), including all provided information, is described here.

    Important notes on event design

    • If a sample is not mentioned in an event formula, it is automatically added based on prior or universe definition (e.g., the germline event above only mentions the normal sample, the tumor and relapse samples are implicitly added by Varlociraptor based on the definition of the universe (here) or prior assumptions (below)).
    • The absent event (i.e. here tumor:0.0 & normal:0.0 & relapse:0.0) is always added implicitly and does not need to be defined.
    • For proper results, the given events have to cover the entire range of possibible allele frequency combinations. Otherwise, the calculated posterior probabilities would be biased. This means that you should carefully check whether each combination of allele frequencies that you consider biologically possible is covered by one event. In turn, this also means that you can intentionally leave out a combination of allele frequencies that you explicitly do not want the model to consider as a possibility.
    • For proper results, event definitions should be disjoint. That means, that there should be no combination of allele frequencies over all involved samples for which more than one event is true. For example, in the scenario above, the germline and the somatic_normal event are disjoint because the normal sample frequency ranges do not overlap. If somatic_normal would have been (wrongly) defined as normal:]0.0,0.5], there would be an invalid overlap which can distort the resulting posterior probabilities as Varlociraptor considers each defined event to be independent.

    Configuring the joint prior distribution

    When mutation rates for the species you investigate (or the tumor) are known, it is possible to inform Varlociraptor about such prior knowledge, including inheritance relations. Which sufficient evidence, such prior knowledge is less important, however, it can play a role in corner cases (in particular at low coverage), and it can help the system to make the correct decision in case of ambiguity. It can also help a lot to distinguish between artifacts and true variants. In the following example, instead of defining uniform allele frequency universes as above, we define the inheritance relationship between samples and the properties of the underlying species.

      genome-size: 3.5e9
      heterozygosity: 0.001
      germline-mutation-rate: 1e-3
          all: 2
          X: 1
          Y: 1
          all: 2
          X: 2
          Y: 0
        sex: female
        sex: male
        sex: female
        somatic-effective-mutation-rate: 1e-10
              - mother
              - father
        sex: female
        somatic-effective-mutation-rate: 1e-6
            from: daughter
            somatic: false
          by: normal
          fraction: 0.1
        sex: female
        somatic-effective-mutation-rate: 1e-6
            from: tumor
          by: normal
          fraction: 0.2
      germline_denovo:    "(daughter:0.5 | daughter:1.0) & father:0.0 & mother:0.0"
      somatic_normal:     "daughter:]0.0,0.5["
      somatic_tumor:      "daughter:0.0 & tumor:]0.0,1.0]"
      somatic_relapse:    "daughter:0.0 & tumor:0.0 & relapse:]0.0,1.0]"
      germline_inherited: "!daugher:0.0 & (!father:0.0 | !mother:0.0)"
      germline_lost:      "daughter:0.0 & (!father:0.0 | !mother:0.0)

    Compared to the initial normal/tumor/relapse with a uniform prior example shown above, some new elements appear:

    • species: here, properties of the underlying species are defined, that is, the genome size (needed for the somatic prior), the heterozygosity (fraction of expected heterozygous sites), the germline mutation rate (for de novo mutations during the mendelian inheritance process), the ploidy for each sex. For the latter, all denotes the ploidy of all chromosomes, while below special cases are listed, e.g., for X and Y chromosomes.
    • sex: denotes the sex of each sample, thereby defining the ploidy, which is taken from the species definition (can be female, male, or arbitrary additional identifiers).
    • somatic-effective-mutation-rate: denotes the expected fraction of non-lethal de novo somatic mutations, independent of their frequency, in the genome. In other words, the given rate denotes the probability to encounter a somatic mutation at any random site in the genome, and all possible VAFs > 0.0 are thereby equally likely. The latter is an important simplification as usually the effects affecting the VAF (the point in time of the mutation, overlapping CNVs) are unknown a priori and would unnecessarily constrain the variant call. Instead, once the model decides for the existence of a somatic mutation, the VAF is driven purely by the data. Somatic mutation rates will usually differ between normal (can be found in literature) and tumor samples, and should be estimated or looked up for a given tumor instance. Note that it is also possible to simply define an allele frequency universe for a tumor sample, thereby avoiding to specify a somatic effective mutation rate, in case it is still unknown. In that case, a uniform prior would be used for the tumor, while the rest of the sample would be treated according to the defined population genetic and mendelian priors.
    • inheritance: Relationship to other samples. Inheritance can be mendelian (here, the daughter inherits from father and mother), or clonal (here, the tumor inherits from the normal tissue of the daughter). In case of the latter, it has to be specified additionally whether somatic mutations from the parental clone are inherited or not. Further, subclonal inheritance can be specified, which describes the case where e.g. one tumor sample inherits from another tumor sample (e.g. modeling a relapse or metastasis situation).

    All other keywords can be looked up in the section above.

    Grammar applications

    Various concrete applications of the grammar can be found in the Varlociraptor Scenario Catalog. You are welcome to submit further applications there.

    Supported variant types

    Varlociraptor implements support for all kinds of variants in all length ranges

    • SNVs,
    • MNVs (multiple nucleotide variants, as called by e.g. Freebayes),
    • replacements (small and large),
    • Insertions (small and large),
    • Deletions (small and large),
    • Inversions (small and large),
    • Duplications (small and large),
    • Breakends.